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Voted Best Infusion/ Botanical Beverage by the World Beverage Innovation Awards!


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Wellness is all about self-love. A busy routine makes it difficult to find the motivation to lead a healthy life. So, wouldn’t it be easier if there were everyday products that effortlessly supported our journey to a new and healthy lifestyle?

Water, an essential nutrient for our survival, is available in so many varieties and options to choose from today. However, in this attempt to make water more interesting, is our health being compromised with unnecessary sugars and additives?

The quest for a healthy enhancement to water inspired our founder, Sirisha. Like most of us, she always carried a bottle of water to yoga, meditation, gym, and trek. She started thinking about an alternative to an exercise drink that was just as convenient to carry and exciting to drink, but was not loaded with sugars, additives or preservatives. 

Sirisha thought of her grandma (an ardent follower of Ayurveda and natural remedies), who kept a copper drinking pot next to her bed. She refilled this pot everyday with fresh water, herbs and spices, and consumed it everyday for 90+ years of her life. As a child, Sirisha loved this special water and its divine taste. As she grew older, she came to understand all of its true benefits.

The healing properties of treating water in a copper pot, stems from the teachings of Ayurveda. Sirisha’s memory of her grandma, along with her learnings of the therapeutic benefits of Ayurveda, thrusted her into beginning her journey in creating a unique Wellness Water: Tezahn.

"Tezahn" is crafted to be a unique and convenient solution to quickly transform cold water into a natural immunity-boosting wellness drink. The therapeutic properties of our ingredients infuse water with antioxidants to strengthen immunity throughout the day while making every sip taste blissful and worth it!