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Voted Best Infusion/ Botanical Beverage by the World Beverage Innovation Awards!


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Tulsi (Holy Basil), Mint, Cardamom, Cloves, Ginger, Turmeric, Edible Camphor, Nutmeg, Mace and Jaggery are the natural herbs and spices used in Tezahn. These ingredients are abundant in antioxidants. They support the immune system, reduce stress, uplift mood, and help with digestion. 5000 years old Ancient Science of Ayurveda talks about how each of these ingredients affects a human’s physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Ayurveda is a 5000+ year old science that originated in India. The term 'Ayurveda' comes from two Sanskrit words, with ‘Ayush’ meaning life and ‘Veda’ meaning knowledge or science. Hence, Ayurveda can be translated as knowledge of life.

A cold infusion is something that extracts flavor from the infusion bag of ingredients into cold/room temperature water.

Tezahn uses several delicate herbs and spices which are best extracted in cold water. Further, cold water retains its Ayurvedic properties better, thus providing the best benefits.

Yes, you can. But it is not recommended because, the herbs and spices will loose the unique flavor that is infused only in cold water. Also, hot water can infuse a very strong flavor that may not appeal to most palettes.

The fundamental philosophy of Yoga, Meditation, and Spirituality is about connecting with your inner self. To achieve that is to cultivate calmness, clarity, and compassion. Food/Diet is one of the key components that contributes to achieving this state of mind, body, and spirit. Hence, one of the key aspects to a yogi's lifestyle is following a Sattvic diet (natural, no preservatives, organic vegetarian foods). According to Ayurveda, Sattvic lifestyle is the purest form of spiritual goodness one can attain as it promotes purity, harmony, and balance of mind and body. Herbs and spices used in Tezahn belong to the Sattva family, which support a Yogi’s wellness journey.