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October 07, 2020 8 min read

What is Wellness

Wellness is one of the greatest and most powerful words in the English language. It can mean various things to different people. For many people, wellness means physical fitness, holistic care, happiness, relaxation, emotional balance, stress reduction, quality of life and spiritual healthHowever, many people agree that wellness is more than just being free from illness; it is a proactive way of living.

Wellness is not solely a question of genetics or even of diet and exercise. It is first an awareness of our considerable potential and then an understanding of our accountability for its use.  According to the World Health Organization, wellness is “the state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Dr. Halbert L. Dunn, chief of the National Office of Vital Statistics, began using the phrase high level wellness in the 1950’s however the concept of wellness became popular in the 1970’s. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health.There are two important aspects to this definition.

  •  First, wellness is not a passive or static state but rather an “active pursuit” that is associated with intentions, choices, and actions as we work toward an optimal state of health and wellbeing.
  • Second, wellness is linked to holistic health—that is, it extends beyond physical health and incorporates many different dimensions that should work in harmony.

Wellness is an individual pursuit—we have self-responsibility for our own choices, behaviors, and lifestyles—but it is also significantly influenced by the physical, social, and cultural environments in which we live.

Wellness is often confused with terms such as health, wellbeing, and happiness. While there are common elements among them, wellness is distinguished by not referring to a static state of being (i.e., being happy, in good health, or a state of wellbeing). Rather, wellness is associated with an active process of being aware and making choices that lead toward an outcome of optimal holistic health and wellbeing.

Why is wellness important?

Wellness is important because it impacts so many areas of life. Honestly, everyone wants to live their life to the fullest potential. Unfortunately, this is not easy. Life often comes with challenges and things we cannot control. Fortunately for you, optimizing your overall wellbeing is something you can. Upon doing so, you will notice significant benefits, both personally and professionally.

The importance of personal wellness

Personal wellness is important because it has to do with the choices you make to thrive in your personal life. In fact, balancing all that life has to offer is easier when you have a personal wellness plan. Doing so helps you best succeed in life as well as challenges you to grow into the best version of yourself!

The importance of professional wellness

On the other hand, professional wellness is important because it has to do with the choices you make to grow in your career. Employers that offer wellness programs find they are able to improve the overall health and well-being of their employees. This leads to happier employees that spend less money on healthcare and more time being productive in their careers.


Wellness Is Multidimensional

Wellness is about more than just physical health. Most models of wellness include at least 6 dimensions (and sometimes up to 9 or 12):


Emotional wellness - Understand your feelings and cope effectively with stress.

Emotional wellness has to do with your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It allows you to clearly recognize and accept your feelings, both positive and negative. This includes adapting to stress, life changes, and difficult times.

Ways to improve your emotional wellness include:

  • Being optimistic and focusing on the positive aspects of life
  • Learning to accept your emotions, whether good, bad, or ugly
  • Building and maintaining strong relationships
  • Staying in the moment
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Smiling as much as possible
  • Maintaining a good work/life balance
  • Getting enough sleep at night
  • Seeking professional support when necessary
  • Managing stress through positive coping methods


Spiritual wellness - Develop a set of values that help you seek meaning and purpose.

Spiritual wellness is the process by which you seek meaning and purpose in life. This can be achieved in a variety of ways including organized religion, prayer, meditation, yoga, as well as a careful assessment of your morals, values, and beliefs.

Ways to improve your spiritual wellness include:

  • Becoming a practicing member of an organized religion
  • Performing daily positive affirmations
  • Taking time to appreciate the natural forces of the universe
  • Practicing yoga
  • Forgiving and forgetting the actions of those who have wronged you
  • Meditating
  • Reflecting on the meaning of past events that occurred in your life
  • Taking the time to think about who you are and exploring your inner self
  • Digging deeper and exploring things you are curious about
  • Practicing acceptance


Physical wellness - Maintain a healthy body and seek medical care when needed.

Physical wellness has to do with keeping your body in optimal condition and health. It can be achieved through a well-balanced diet, various forms of exercise, and practicing self-control.

Ways to improve your physical wellness include:

  • Exercising for at least 30 minutes a day
  • Consuming a well-balanced diet
  • Practicing portion control
  • Eating breakfast every day
  • Practicing safe sex
  • Scheduling routine physical exams with a medical provider
  • Getting enough sleep at night
  • Committing to a smoke-free lifestyle
  • Limiting the consumption of unhealthy fatssugar, salt, and alcohol
  • Learning to listen to your body and recognize early signs of illness


Social wellness - Perform social roles effectively and comfortably and create a supportive network.

Social wellness is your ability to connect with others and maintain strong relationships. It can be achieved by surrounding yourself with positive people and being comfortable with who you are in social environments.

Ways to improve your social wellness include:

  • Getting involved in your school, workplace, or community
  • Scheduling time to be with family or friends
  • Reaching out to friends you have not talked to in a while to see how they are doing
  • Practicing active listening when others are talking
  • Being respectful in the way you communicate with others
  • Practicing self-disclosure to those you trust
  • Embracing laughter
  • Trying to build new relationships
  • Refraining from blaming, judging, or criticizing others
  • Being confident in yourself in all social situations 


Intellectual wellness - Have an open mind when you encounter new ideas and continue to expand your knowledge.

Intellectual wellness has to do with participating in mentally stimulating activities that challenge your overall knowledge and skillsets. It can be achieved by committing to lifelong learning and being open to trying new things.

Ways to improve your intellectual wellness include:

  • Traveling the world to experience and learn about different cultures
  • Trying out new hobbies
  • Cultivating your own views, opinions, and ideas
  • Being open-minded about the views, opinions, and ideas of others
  • Learning a foreign language
  • Reading fiction and nonfiction books to spark your imagination
  • Learning a musical instrument
  • Exploring your creative side
  • Mastering time management with to-do lists and priority systems
  • Taking an online course on a subject of interest


Environmental wellness- Respect the delicate balance between the environment and us.

Environmental wellness is the way you feel about, respect, and protect the world around you. It can be achieved by going the extra mile to live an environmentally friendly life as well as conserving the world’s natural resources.

Ways to improve your environmental wellness include:

  • Recycling whenever possible
  • Gardening and landscaping your home
  • Turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use
  • Limiting the use of heating and cooling systems
  • Using reusable shopping bags and water bottles
  • Electing to walk or bike to your destination of choice instead of driving
  • Taking the time to enjoy the great outdoors through a walk, hike, or jog
  • Conserving the use of water running
  • Stopping the delivery of junk mail
  • Cleaning with environmentally friendly products


Occupational wellness- Enjoy your occupational endeavors and appreciate your contributions.

Occupational wellness has to do with maximizing your workplace happiness by focusing on work that brings you a sense of joy, satisfaction, and accomplishment. It can be achieved by exploring various career pathways and successfully managing working place stressors.

Ways to improve your occupational wellness include:

  • Thinking about the types of work that brings you joy and satisfaction
  • Shadowing or volunteering for professionals in various lines of work
  • Roleplaying conflict management with friends or coworkers
  • Establishing a good work/life balance to avoid burn out
  • Building strong relationships with co-workers, colleagues, and executives in your industry
  • Setting career goals that foster positive growth and professional development
  • Focusing on the positive aspects of your career and find ways to minimize or remove the negative aspects
  • Establishing strong workplace habits to maximize productivity
  • Scheduling time for innovative thinking and professional development
  • Attending industry conventions


Financial wellness – Being mindful of not just how much you earn but also how you spend and save.

Financial wellness is the process of learning how to best manage your money. This includes things like your expenses, personal finances, and investments. In can be achieved by gaining a strong understanding of where your money comes from as well as how you spend, save, and invest it.

Ways to improve your financial wellness include:

  • Not spending more money than you have
  • Paying off your credit cards each month
  • Building up an emergency fund
  • Creating and following a personal budget
  • Setting short-term and long-term financial goals
  • Managing your credit score
  • Paying off your student loans
  • Shopping for sales and purchasing off-brand products
  • Investing in your retirement through tax-efficient investments
  • Consulting with a financial professional to get your personal finances on track


What you can do to improve overall health and wellness

Your body is a direct reflection of what is going on in your mind. In order to be successful improving the quality of your life you must change your mindset. You cannot wait until everything is just right because it never will be. There will always be hurdles to leap and challenges to be faced.

Stop wearing your ‘busy-ness’ like a badge of honor. Stop feeling obligated to be reachable 24/7 by people that have a warped sense of urgency. Stop being hijacked by the needs and desires of others.

Knock it off with all the talk of ‘The Terrible Too’s’; too busy, too tired, too hard, too early etc. You have the ability to control your destiny. Your future is wide open, and you can create it by what you chose to do.

Maximize your level of health and wellness

By quieting your mind, building your body, and nurturing your spirit you will be well on your way to achieving your health and wellness goals. Work towards a balanced lifestyle by being mindful of daily choices that support your wellness goals. Try your best to use natural products in all aspects of your life.

Consider trying something as easy and simple as Tezahn’s Natural Herbal Cold Infusions. The infusions are as easy as dropping an herbal bag in your water bottle and you are good to go. The inherent wellness promoting properties of the antioxidant rich ingredients help in maximizing the benefits from every sip of water you take. The therapeutic nature of the herbs and spice used in Tezahn, help relax mind and body, keeping you refreshed and rejuvenated through the day. Tezahn is 100% organic and is a pure product of nature.


Wellness is the complete integration of mind, body, and spirit-The realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being. It is an active process, a choice you make every day to move towards optimal health and maximum life.

Wellness indeed is a way of life. A lifestyle sensitive and responsive to all the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit; an approach to life we each design to achieve our highest potential for well-being now and forever. No matter what our state of health, Wellness calls for continuing improvement and self-renewal in all areas of life. Wellness seeks more than the absence of illness; it searches for new levels of excellence. Wellness dedicates its efforts to our total well-being. Work toward a state of well-being and you will see your lifestyle begin to improve.

Wishing you all a lifetime of wellness!!

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