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Voted Best Infusion/ Botanical Beverage by the World Beverage Innovation Awards!


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February 16, 2022 3 min read

A wellness water born from a passion

We are all multifaceted human beings with many passions and skills to offer the world. Tezahn’s founder, Sirisha Munagala, is no different. With 14 years of experience in electrical engineering working with high tech companies like Microsoft and Intel, she decided to lean into her passion for wellness and background inYoga and Ayurveda in 2019 in order to create something divine - a one-of-a-kind herbal cold infusion.

Like most, we draw on our personal experiences to create and solve problems. Sirisha was constantly searching for a drink to bring to her yoga, meditation, and exercise classes that provided additional benefits like a sports drink but without all of the sugars and additives. Thinking of her grandmother, an ardent follower of Ayurveda and natural remedies, Sirisha remembered that she would keep a copper drinking pot next to her bed filled with fresh water, herbs and spices from her garden that she would drink. As a child, the taste was something that Sirisha enjoyed, but now she understands the true health benefits this could provide for so many yogis and others alike. From this sparkTezahn - a truly unique and convenient wellness water - was born.

Get to know a little more about our brilliant leader in this Q&A. Have a question or want to know more? Send us a message on Instagram or email us

A Q&A with the Founder of Tezahn

What is your vision for Tezahn?

My vision for Tezahn is to establish itself as an honest sustainable wellness brand that supports our planet as well as our customers' healthy lifestyle. I hope to see people around the world drinking Tezahn to enhance not only their yoga practice, but also their daily tasks as our herb and spice combinations provide natural energizing and rejuvenating properties.

Tezahn at the beach next to a woman

How did you come up with the flavor combinations?

Tulsi & Spices was the first and original flavor that I formulated. It is closest to the wellness water that my grandmother prepared. The aroma and flavor bring back many cherished memories from childhood and so needless to say it's my most favorite.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love going on long nature walks, hiking and reading. I squeeze in at least a few minutes of yoga and meditation every day. Also, whenever I get an opportunity I keep experimenting with new flavors of Tezahn.

Tezahn in water bottle on a trail

Tell us about your family.

We are a huge animal lover family, and have a 5 year old Maltese (named sushi). My 13 year old daughter is the zen figure in the house who has been an active volunteer at animal welfare organizations since age 8. Between ages 8-10, she wrote 2 children's books called Super Sushi Adventures, to raise funds for animal welfare organizations around the world. We are very proud of her!To balance my angelic daughter, we have my 3 year old boy who is currently in a destructive zone. Hopefully, my daughter can rub off some of her personality on him. My husband and I also just celebrated our 19 year Anniversary. Let’s just say that Yoga and meditation help me balance everything to stay sane! 

What is one thing you've learned since starting Tezahn?

I prepared to launch Tezahn at the 2020 SXSW event in March, and we all know the world went upside down weeks before. The most important lesson I learned since I started my journey with Tezahn is that everything - good or bad - happens for a reason. Don't doubt yourself as that will only work against your efforts. If you have doubts then don't do it, but if you truly believe in something, then trust your instincts, be positive, be practical, have faith, and focus on giving your best. We don't have control over the final destination but we definitely have control over the choices we make along the way and that can change the ultimate destination.

What is next for Tezahn?

Tezahn will finally get it’s chance to shine at the 2022 SXSW Wellness Expo this March, and the team could not be more excited. We recently attended Yoga Expo and received a wonderful response by all attendees. The more people that we can have try these herbal infusions the more we know the world will fall in love with them! Stay tuned for more updates by following us on Instagram!


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